Now, when the market outcries on deflation, and deficits; Chinese and ese question on the value on dollars and stop their inflow of their currencies into housing and bond; and many see the unemployment did not improve after the stimulus programs inspired by the Obama Administration after a year. At the same time, shortage of these foreigner's currencies made deficit more toxic to the values on the dollar. But, since it is a global financial crisis, euro is not better off and Chinese and ese is going to fight its inflation to absorb the foreigner's currencies invasion; it is time for the Fed to rethink the value of its dollars since there is more than a year of supply of the foreclosed in the housing market, or to strike down its price at a free fall and initiate the up graded value on dollar by stabilization at a cost on interest.. Here was our first surprise: You don't simply pull down on the teat, as so many think, you squeeze gradually from the top down with the main pre...